The ZAP Alias Electric Car

Nothing happens unless first a dream – Carl Sandberg

Archive for the ‘Sightings’ Category

Sci-Fi Film “Looper” Set Photos Reveal Futuristic Solar Electric Cars, ALIAS

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“Looper” starring Bruce Willis is a Sci Fi film set in a dystopic near-future. A killer who works for the mob of the future recognizes one of his targets as his future self. Set photos from New Orleans in March of this year reveal cars of the future that are a blend between advanced technologies and Mad Max, some of them electric cars using solar panels. Several cars were requested for the film shoot including the ALIAS. From the look of the photos, you can tell they liked the ALIAS and we’re looking forward to seeing how they feature it in the film when it debuts in late 2012.

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Written by ZAPalias

December 9, 2011 at 5:40 pm