The ZAP Alias Electric Car

Nothing happens unless first a dream – Carl Sandberg

Archive for the ‘Polls’ Category

POLL: Should an electric car be quieter or noisier?

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At ZAP we are continually educating people about the many benefits of all-electric vehicles, chiefly that they’re quieter than internal combustion. Now we are reading that blind activists are lobbying for a law that electric and hybrid cars must make more noise. The US Senate has unanimously passed a bill to study if electric and hybrid cars are unsafe to the blind and pedestrians because they are so quiet. But not all blind people agree with this statement, according to “It would be better for everyone if all the cars were quieter,” says blind advocate Brian Bushway. Watch the video above to see how much noise electric cars make, and please take our poll whether you think they should make more noise. InsideLine

Written by ZAPalias

December 11, 2010 at 7:42 pm

What color will your ZAP Alias electric car be?

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What's your favorite ZAP Alias electric car color?

What's your favorite ZAP Alias electric car color?

We want to know what color you would want your ZAP Alias to be if you could have one right now.  Here are some images of the colors that have been shown.  Click on any of the images for the Flickr Slide Show gallery of ZAP Alias colors.  If you don’t like any of the colors, suggest one we haven’t used.

Are 3 wheels better than 4?

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Are 3 wheels better than 4?

Are 3 wheels better than 4?

Written by ZAPalias

February 26, 2010 at 10:13 pm

Posted in Polls

Poll: What’s more important in an electric car, performance or price?

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Written by ZAPalias

January 24, 2010 at 9:26 am

Posted in Polls